Congressman Sam Graves- Priorities

Dear Friend,
A new year means evaluating what’s working, what isn’t, and what we need to focus on in the new year. That’s no different in Congress. America is coming to a crossroads politically, economically, and internationally. We must remain committed to securing American prosperity for generations to come and focus on doing the things that ensure that happens.
The United States of America must rein in spending and bring inflation down. We can’t continue to let our deficit balloon and inflation to run rampant. Doing so not only worsens our Nation’s economic strength in the future, but also crushes the working class. We’ve witnessed the spending power of the average American shrivel up before our very eyes and it’s impossible to not think the worst. We must cut wasteful government spending and put those dollars back into the pockets of hard-working Americans.
We’ve also got to recognize the crisis at our southern border. We’ve seen record amounts of illegal immigrants flooding into the United States since President Biden took office and there is no indication that will stop any time soon. The Biden administration’s solution is to allow these illegal immigrants sanctuary in some of America’s largest cities, providing asylum in our nation’s airports, and even proposing they stay in taxpayer-funded national parks. The solution is simple: secure the border, get rid of harmful programs that are creating the problem, and stop illegal immigration in its tracks.
One of my priorities in 2024 is the passage of a new water resources bill. Every two years, this bipartisan bill sets the agenda for how we manage our inland waterways. This directly impacts flood control and navigation. As always, lives and livelihoods must be the top priority when we determine how we manage our rivers. With both the Missouri and Mississippi rivers bordering North Missouri, folks across our region feel the effects of the Water Resources Development Act. I look forward to passing another good bill that protects people and property while ensuring we can get our goods to market.
There’s no doubt that there is plenty for us to focus on in 2024. It’s critical that we reduce rising costs and stop illegal immigration while passing legislation that impacts North Missouri’s future. I look forward to working on these priorities in the year ahead.
Sam Graves
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