Macon R-1 School District plans for in-person instruction for Fall 2020

MACON, MO -- The Macon R-1 School Board, after receiving feedback from the community through a survey, decided to set course for resuming classroom instruction for the upcoming fall semester. Speaking with Donny Wyatt (School Board President), the board voted to start school Monday through Friday as usual with heightened sanitization and temperature checks. According to Wyatt, the district will be implementing more safety measures in the coming weeks in an effort to make sure that the health of students and staff are protected when school resumes. Additionally, at least one day throughout the week, Macon R-1 will focus on E-Learning (internet learning) so that students and teachers will be prepared if another closure were to come due to COVID-19. Wyatt stated to the paper that each student from the sixth grade up through seniors in high school will have Chrome Books. The district is currently working on making sure elementary students get Chrome Books as well. At this moment, district transportation will continue as usual for the upcoming school year. For the Macon Tigers, school is scheduled to resume on August 24th, 2020.
Macon R-1 will be releasing more information to the public in the near future regarding plans and procedures moving into the upcoming school year.
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