Letter to the Editor from Former Macon County Legal Clerk and Macon Resident for 46 Years, Rhonda Crow

August 02, 2018

Dear Editor;

My name is Rhonda Crow. My husband and I live in Macon. My husband has lived here all his life and I have lived here for 46 years. We don't have children in either Macon nor South Shelby School. But my husband and our daughter both graduated from Macon School. And we are registered voters, property owners and tax payers.

Tuesday August 7th my husband and I will both be voting NO on the Clarence\Macon School redistricting issue. Our reasons follow.

I HAVE talked to several families, who have children in Clarence\South Shelby school. I have not talked to a single parent that has said they want to redistrict! All I've talked to said they don't want to redistrict. This is a major thing since this is about Clarence.

I HAVE heard a lot of talk about some Shelby County landowners taxes being lower if they can redistrict to Macon. Money isn't a good enough reason to divide a school district and do unknown damage to South Shelby School and families.

I HAVE heard from several Macon friends that want Prop 1 to pass because they think our tax bill will get paid off sooner with the large amount of money Macon will make off of redistricting. I've also heard about a school employee that has stated we will get a new school if Prop 1 passes! Where did that come from? I've heard how much money Macon School will make off of this if Prop 1 passes but again money is not a good reason to divide a school district and do unknown damage to South Shelby School and families.

I HAVE heard how Macon has a better school than South Shelby. That has been proven to NOT BE TRUE. Each school has it's advantages and disadvantages but one is not better than the other. Both schools offer an excellent education. And the people who have attempted to run down either school in hopes of swaying votes should be very ashamed of themselves!

I am telling you that if Macon school is going to profit largely from this redistricting then South Shelby will lose largely! That is just common sense. There are so many unknowns to Prop 1. This is a fact that has been stated by Macon School, South Shelby school and the DESE! The unknown alone is enough reason to vote NO on Prop 1. But if that's not enough for you how about if you vote yes you can pat yourself on the back for attempting to divide and tear apart our neighboring school! You can pat yourself on the back for the lost jobs at South Shelby. You can pat yourself on the back for forcing a large group of people into something they do not want.

So I am asking you to stand with Clarence parents/students/residents and the South Shelby School and VOTE NO on Prop 1 Tuesday. I plan to with a clear conscience.

Thank you,

Rhonda Crow

Macon, Missouri